Canadian CANNAINVESTOR Magazine June 2019 | Page 157

The World Health Organization has declared the anti-vaccination movement as one of the greatest threats to health that we are facing. Not to diminish the role that ignorance plays in the propagation of such nonsense such as the anti-vaccine movement because, much like the prohibition of cannabis, this movement’s prohibition of vaccinations perspective is rooted in something other than science. I compare that nonsense movement to those that want this industry to fail because, to me, it is a valid analogy or parallel.

There are risks. As the global paradigm shift we predicted would occur years ago is starting to take root and grow momentum, capital dollars that are basically in Canada because there are really no other markets will start to flow to these other markets once they come on line. The paradigm shift we predicted is what I refer to as The Renaissance Insurgency© and The Renaissance Insurgency© is an example of The Economics of CannabisTM. Supply and demand – it cannot be avoided and capital flows freely. And this is a reason as to why our publication is geared towards awareness, education, and providing the insight and tools you need to understand this industry and to assist you to make decisions optimum for yourself knowing that this industry is expected to grow by over 44% per year through 2024 just in Canada. So although I appreciate and understand the dot-com references and for sure they have validity on a case by case basis, I prefer to think of the downside facets more of a hybrid between the dot-com era as well as the diet industry but I believe the upside potential far outweighs the downside for those that are truly prepared. Wait … back the truck up, did I say the diet industry?

The diet industry has many actors/players and some are well meaning, benign, and proven. Others perhaps not so much. The diet industry is valued at well over US$200B globally according to some reputable sources (I used a straight line from this source). Many people truly believe that if they walk into their local pharmacy or grocery store or some other store or perhaps as seen on TV or online …. That one can buy wellness supplements and simply buy a bottle of capsules that the weight will just come off. Now, let’s be clear, there are some legitimate drugs available such as Oristat and there are medical procedures that can be undertaken … we are discussing here those weight loss supplements and fad diet plans that anyone can buy.