Canadian CANNAINVESTOR Magazine June 2019 | Page 153

market advocates, the ignorant, powerful interest groups trying to control the narrative to the detriment of the public good, etc).

People hoping to make it big – this is their chance! Money is flowing in and into Canada specifically and the average citizen wants to be a part of it. In other words, when everyone is buying it traditionally meant that it may be time to get out …

Retail investors have few places to turn for valuable reliable consistent content yet there appears to be an oversaturation of those claiming to be such a source (of valuable reliable consistent content).

Companies with no revenues and sky-high valuations.

And so on …

We must remember first and foremost that cannabis has been part of human culture and history for thousands of years. Last time I checked, its use predates most modern religions and medicine. That is not dot-com. The world was flat and the Greek Gods had just come down from Mount Olympus to reveal themselves to mortals.

You know from our past in-depth content that cannabis as medicine was flourishing and because it appeared to work for epilepsy and seizures, migraines, cramping, arthritis, and many other medical conditions. That is not dot-com.

Because our content’s breadth is as industry leading as its depth, you also know from our past content that whatever the reason that led rise to the global prohibition of cannabis it was done for reasons not found in science. The black market for cannabis took root and has flourished into an industry valued in the hundreds of millions of dollars. That is not dot-com.

There were not the same level of screening and scrutiny on disclosure during the era that exists today and that is because of lessons learned from the dot-com era. Dot-com was often a few people in an office with an idea based on the field of dreams – build it and they will come and in many cases the build was nothing more than a conceptual framework or perhaps a homogenous product called a computer. That was not a global paradigm shift towards awareness and education with respect to health and wellness. That is not dot-com.