Canadian CANNAINVESTOR Magazine June 2019 | Page 91

Cheers. You have a few different formulations with respect the delivery time of the medical cannabis. Can you walk us through those and why is time release important when we are reminded frequently that CBD and THC lingers in our bodies for days if not weeks …?

The cannabinoid metabolites might be in your system for some time but that does not mean you’ll be experiencing therapeutic relief. You’ll need to ensure that blood levels of the drug are within the threshold necessary for relief and our extended release formulation will ensure you stay within the therapeutic window for 18 – 24 hours. This is in stark contrast to smoking, where your blood levels shoot up rapidly and then decline precipitously. People that smoke often feel overwhelmed initially and then their perception of relief is rather fleeting. Edibles are also not ideal, but for very different reasons. Edibles take a very long time to kick in and they tend to last for an extremely long time. You could eat a brownie this morning and be waiting hours before you experience relief.

Gotcha. One of the most important learnings we stress at CannaInvestor is awareness and education above all else and already we are getting them from you to the nth degree. For those familiar with my writing and mindset … I have said for years now that on the recreational side it will be edibles and beverages that are likely to become dominant and on the medical side it will be capsules or other similar delivery systems and with … yes … time release. Our readers tend to be investors so can you walk us through your revenue model.

Revenue Revenue Revenue. That is our mantra for 2019.

By virtue of FSD Pharma Inc., with whom we have a collaboration and profit sharing agreement, being granted a “sale for medical purposes” license by Health Canada pursuant to the Cannabis Act and Cannabis Regulations, we are very close to being in a position to sell our products and generate revenue.