Canadian CANNAINVESTOR Magazine June 2019 | Page 32

Absolutely. This again hits on my point of the infancy of the industry and also the myths that are out there. Since recreational cannabis has been legalized it has been hard to again shake some of the myths that are out there.

Thank you. Whether it is the creation of meaningful jobs and the benefits that also accrue, or not having dangerous fire hazard bypasses set up to steal from the utilities ... the legal industry contributes to the community and to the economy without stealing from others. Everyone pays more in taxes and utility costs (to just name two) because of the illegal industry. Let's move to another challenge that I am sure you face every day and that is the restrictions that the Cannabis Act itself puts on those on the front line.

The Act makes it challenging to discuss the health benefits of Cannabis. When combined with a lack of benefits of coverage to the majority, how difficult has it been to discuss Cannabis as an option for medical treatment ... especially if the alternative may be traditional pharma with full benefits coverage and from there ... some Insurers now cover medical cannabis for a handful of medical conditions ... do you feel this will open up in time whether through the courts or as the industry matures?

not up to their quality standards that they have with the illegal sources.

This myth that illegal cannabis is somehow better is just not true. Many of the licensed producers in Canada have been growing cannabis legally for 30 plus years, and have been doing so with strict regulations and procedures set forth by the government of Canada.

These regulations and procedures are set to ensure that the products that are being produced are met with all health and safety standards in check. The same cannot be said with the illegal market.