Canadian CANNAINVESTOR Magazine July / August 2018 | Page 84


CCIM: Do you see GTEC stepping into the edibles and beverage market when these become legal? If so … can you tease us with some hints …?

GTEC: GreenTec does plan to offer edible and beverage products when they become legal in Canada. Clearly, such products are quite popular amongst cannabis consumers (e.g. in US states that have legalized recreational cannabis and in the Canadian grey market).

CCIM: How large of a market do you foresee edibles and beverages to be?

GTEC: We estimate that edibles and beverages would compromise approximately 15% of the market, with that share increasing over time. Keep in mind that this percentage excludes other value added products (e.g. pre-rolls, oils, vapes, shatter, etc.).

CCIM: I see your website that you have opportunities open for Accredited Investors. Can you advise on this and how best investors can contact GTEC for this? And … the CIM magazines have subscribers in over 35 countries – is this only for Canadians or can American Investors for example also participate?



Mike Blady, Co-founder & VP, Investor Relations

CannaInvestor Magazine Canada

Louis Kyron, CPA, CGA & Derwin Wallace, CEO (CCIM)