Canadian CANNAINVESTOR Magazine July / August 2018 | Page 198


As with all of our Q&A sessions, we were not approached or requested to undertake the Q&A but rather we approach those companies that we feel the timing is right. No compensation of any kind or in any form is every offered, requested, expected, or received.

CCIM: Thank you very much for taking a moment to bring our readers up to speed with JWC. First of all, congratulations on your recent listing on the TSXV! For those that don’t know, JWC went public on June 11th. An exciting milestone for your organization. What’s the mood been like at your operations?

JWCA: Excited, relieved, and focused. Excited that we are now free to move forward full speed with our plans, relieved that the journey to take the company public is complete, and focused on the challenges ahead.

CCIM: We’ve seen you at Lift and O’Cannabiz for a few years now, with your eye-catching booths I must say. Tell us a little about JWC.

JWCA: JWC was founded as a family business, and it has grown to encompass a lot of new faces while maintaining the spirit of a family run organization. We do take the time to go out to all the shows, to connect with other companies in the industry, and to open a dialogue with the public about who we are and what JWC stands for. It’s important to us as a business to put a personal face on what we do.

CCIM: There is something about the “small family business” that resonates with some, including myself. Realizing that the company is growing, with more to come, how has the organization maintained its roots?

JWCA: We began with a great deal of passion about what we do; my family and I have deep roots in the farming and cannabis industries, and we endeavor to hire people who share those passions. An organization founded on a shared love of a craft-like cannabis cultivation is a family; a family of liked minded people brought together by a common goal. Because of that, JWC will always feel like a family business.


Spiro Sertsis: CCIM

Nathan Woodworth, CEO/President: JWCA