Canadian CANNAINVESTOR Magazine January 2019 | Page 224

Fluffy the

Bag Freer

Today we are going to tap into the mental side of your investment and trading strategies. While this idea is not new, I will be submerging you into a story that that has been crafted to help you take on a fresh perspective on bag holding.

Yes, that is right - Bag holding.

I often hear and know people that refuse to take a loss and as such begin their journey as a bag holder. There is a cure for this disease, however. Before we go any further, let's take a moment to clarify what a bag holder is. According to Investopedia, it is “An informal term used to describe an investor who holds a position in a security which decreases in value until it is worthless. In most cases, the bag holder will hold the position for an extended period of time in which most of the investment is lost.”

There are many reasons why someone might be holding a bag, but we are not here today to talk about how that happens. We are going to talk about the cure to this disease. Now imagine this.. you are at home hunkered down at your computer, combing over your investments and