Canadian CANNAINVESTOR Magazine January 2019 | Page 12

It’s that time again …

Hard to believe 2018 has come and gone. For many investors in the cannabis space … not soon enough. It is of little comfort to many that we suggested in the latter part of the fall of 2018 to consider taking profits from investments in the legal cannabis space in Canada and from there consider investing in legal American companies. To those that did, you avoided the 50% or more fall in many share prices on this side of the border while potentially making triple digit ROI on the American side.

There has been so much fanfare and hype over the US Farm bill that somewhere in all of that they seem to have missed the point that non hemp cannabis remains a Schedule 1 drug. Our prediction from a few years ago that America will slowly end prohibition is certainly becoming more fact than fiction and one can see it on the horizon. Just this past summer while at MJBIZ,

CannaInvestor Magazine assumes no responsibility for any claims or representations contained in the magazine or any advertisement. CannaInvestor Magazine considers its sources reliable and verifies as much data as possible, although reporting inaccuracies can occur; consequently, readers using this information do so at their own risk. All materials contained are for educational purposes only. Articles are general information and not a recommendation to act. The author or CannaInvestor Magazine or associated individuals and companies will not be held responsible or be liable for action taken by any reader of our article. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Cannabis Stocks involve a higher level of risk and may not be suitable for all investors, losses can exceed deposits. Please seek independent investment advice before entering into any financial transaction. It should always be assumed that writers may have investment positions in companies that appear in the magazine.

Editor In Chief

Louis Kyron, CPA, CGA

[email protected]

Contributing Writers

Louis Kyron, CPA, CGA

Spiro Sertsis, CPA, CMA

Ryan Hum

Matt Maurer

Whitney Abrams

Jason A. DeJean, CFP, PFP, EPC, CPCA

The Marijuana Index

Viridian Capital

Patrick Moher

Ethan Eisen

Tahir Kassam

Ian Morton

Michelle Leroux

Andrew Wilder

Aaron Swartzman

Trevor Levine

Sylvia C. Bagge






By: Matt Maurer and

Whitney Abrams,

Minden Gross LLP

Editor In Chief

Louis Kyron, CPA, CGA

[email protected]

Contributing Writers

Louis Kyron, CPA, CGA

Spiro Sertsis, CPA, CMA

Ryan Chua, JD/MBA

Ryan Hum

Peter Turley

William Weady

Andrew Elbaz

Joseph Jamil

Alexandra (Sasha) Toten

Jason A. DeJean, CFP, PFP, EPC, CPCA

The Marijuana Index
