Canadian CANNAINVESTOR Magazine January 2018 | Page 212


The inclusion of legal edibles in Canada has led market research firms to adjust their market size recently. GMP Securities analyst Martin Landry suggests that the addition of cannabis edibles and concentrates to the list of products legally available on July 1, 2018 is a source for this change, and also from recent data emanating from the US on higher than anticipated sales revenues. He changed his estimate on edibles to be approximately 40 percent of all cannabis related sales, up from 40 percent.

If Canada’s total cannabis sales are expected to reach $8.7 billion as most analysts believe, the pretty aggressive prediction of 30 percent of sales would mean over $2.6 billion in sales for the edibles sector, or 40 percent would mean over $3.48 billion. More normalized levels experienced in Colorado of approximately 12 percent would still mean a sizable $1.4 billion market in Canada. Still a considerable slice of pie to go around. Not to mention, companies such as Tinley and Nutritional High, operate in the state of California, which is expected to bring in sales the equivalent of the whole of Canada.