Canadian CANNAINVESTOR Magazine February 2019 | Page 112


Coming in hot!! Lift was super busy on Friday, a big lineup greeted most people during peak hours, so I was very grateful for a media pass at this point. The day starts with a portrait session of Sandi Lesueur, taken for CannaInvestor Magazine. She was awesome to work with and we got some great light! My friend Louis Kyron has always helped up get media passes to conferences, and I love to help out with content creation for CannaInvestor.

Afterwards we visited the Women’s Lunch hosted by Zenabis, and enjoyed the rest of the day on the show floor capturing photo & video as we went. Post-show hours we hung out at the Lift Media reception with our fellow creatives, which was a great opportunity to mingle with familiar faces and make new friends. Once all the gear was dropped off & files backed up, we headed to the Tokyo Smoke party. Their experiential terpene smelling activation room was a really great display. While we had heard a lot of good things about the Choom after party (and even went to check it out after grabbing some fantastic sushi) we arrived a bit later in the evening to an aggressively long line. Being line adverse and late at night, we skipped out on waiting, and headed out for a final round with Tyler from Cannabis Amnesty & the creative crew from Eden.