Canadian CANNAINVESTOR Magazine February 2019 | Page 195


to undertake your own due diligence and those tools are repeated in the magazine a few times each year. As part of that due diligence it is expected that you are researching location, capacity, pipeline news, etc. Before moving on to Aleafia, Emblem is basically divided into three business lines:

Emblem Cannabis

Producing and selling medical cannabis to help patients be their best selves.

Emblem Medical

Revolutionizing the way patients ingest their medicine

GrowWise Health

Providing valuable cannabis education for patients & physicians

Aleafia of course is no stranger to you. This company to me avoids the shock and awe approach of some and just quietly goes about its business – their results do all of the talking.

In August, I published a pioneering industry hypothesis suggesting that if our Endogenous Cannabinoid System (ECS) modulates inflammation and if chronic inflammation is deemed by many as the “unifying theory of disease” that it stands to reason that ensuring a non-deficient ECS over time should reducing inflammation within the body. I also postulated that it would not be long before genomics and personalized medicine found its way into this industry.

The latter point requires expanding on. Two identical persons with the identical medical condition taking identical cannabis strains could have different results. This variance is not seen by some as being as profound with the application of traditional pharmaceuticals; however, even there we do see it – has your Dr not changed your prescription and/or dose based on how your body’s reaction to the medication being taken? Therefore, I suggested that personalized medicine may be a key disruptor with respect to optimizing treatment using medical cannabis.

In November 2018, Aleafia announced Aleafia Labs Partners on Cannabinoid Pharmacogenetics Study. I have a vested interest of course in seeing how that progresses as it may prove my hypothesis correct – a hypothesis that was published months before this announcement.

According to the US National Library of Medicine, “Pharmacogenomics is the study of how genes affect a person's response to drugs. ... These