Canadian CANNAINVESTOR Magazine February 2018 | Page 307

January's issue of CannaConsumer Magazine adopted a common phrase in response (defiance) to Jeff Sessions and the DOJ. Click here to View that article. Don't forget to Share!


bad actors, but overwhelmingly states, businesses, and individuals involved in the marijuana industry take their responsibilities seriously. Ironically, the overhang of federal law has caused the state-legalized marijuana industry to become one of the most transparent and compliant in the county.

This is the situation that Jeff Sessions inherited when he became Attorney General almost a year ago. Not perfect, and certainly not something that anyone would have created from scratch, but nonetheless a functioning system that reflected the public’s ever increasing support for marijuana legalization. It was no secret that Sessions was determined to do something about marijuana – the question was always how much of what preceded him in office would affect both what he did, and how he did it. After all, this was not a decision being made in a vacuum, but in the context of 20 years of DOJ implicit and explicit acceptance of state-legalized marijuana. In other words, his personal views aside, what institutional obligation did Session believe he owed to an industry that had so significantly relied upon the guidance he was preparing to rescind?

The resounding answer: none.