Canadian CANNAINVESTOR Magazine Canada March / April 2019 | Page 126

bought Belgravia capital at around $0.015 and selling it weeks later well over $0.30. These and many other examples have filled our pages and perhaps you listened in December 2017 when we suggested that a good academic exercise could to consider if it was time to cash out of the Canadian companies and look south – and in December 2018 when it was suggested time to come back home to the Great White North. To find what may be the next stellar subsector – oftentimes, the answer to what may be the next big thing is right in front of you … hiding in plain site. So let’s get right to it starting with my common theme of use only reliable, relevant, and timely information.

I had to chuckle when my weekly email arrived from a source with the promise of discussing a new business model in the industry. Instead I found discussion on vertical integration as well as a move towards specialization by some producers – in all fairness, maybe that was new and revolutionary to that writer. These terms may be the new business model as discovered by the author of that piece but of course you have known this for quite some time from our content and it is Consolidation Curve 101. As an industry matures, we start to see M&A and specialization and for as long as I can recall we have stated that many companies are moving towards ownership in all facets from seed to post-sale (yes, beyond just seed to sale). To me and to you our readers, such after the fact observations by others once again serve as validation of our content and hypotheses. Such a current validation of our past content not only may provide you with a level of added comfort but may also suggest that what I am about to tell you where the industry may be headed holds water … and as I said, hiding in plain site.

Mainstream media may hold the answer. When the National Post published its article titled “The unexpected consequences now that cannabis is legal: Alcohol could become taboo” it did so to raise awareness of just how harmful alcohol may potentially be whether to the body, the family, the community, or to society. Unlike the paid promoters and subreddit hobbyists, the National Post and other mainstream media were not paid by a Cannabis company to write such an article with the intent of luring consumers and/or investors. But as an investor, one needs to find the clues. All one need do is remember the words of William Shakespeare because for they say, every why hath a wherefore (The Comedy of Errors). The word “wherefore” quite literally means the “why” behind something. Let’s zero in using that same National Post article.