Canadian CANNAINVESTOR Magazine Canada March / April 2019 | Page 149

2. 36 percent of those in a relationship have lied about a financial matter to a partner.

3. Younger adults who are not married age 18 to 54, tend to be victims of financial unfaithfulness.

4. Women and men are equally likely to fall victims of financial infidelity.

Some red flags to look for if you suspect financial infidelity;

1. Regular cash withdrawals.

2. Purchases and expenses that can’t be explained.

3. An obvious change in behavior and attitude towards money and possible you.

4. Spending habits change, maybe spending more money on themselves and/or others.

5. Change in mail, perhaps are the bills come electronically and are never mentioned.

6. You don’t see mail from your regular financial institutions.

7. Your partner is always the first to get the mail and seems concerned with making sure they get it.

I think its important to keep a healthy dialogue in a relationship. There are some things you can also do to protect yourself;

1. Talk to your partner regularly about money. It doesn’t have to be for a long-time but a weekly or bi-weekly touch base.

2.Keep a detailed budget and/or spending plan. You both need to know what money is coming in and out of the household.

3.Do not sign any document without reading. Seems simple enough but its true. In the throws of love its easy to help with a signature not really realizing what your signing. Read it thoroughly first and ask questions.

4.Separate bank accounts and perhaps a joint one for household expenses.

5.Individual credit cards in your own names. Ive seen many seniors who believe they have a credit history and find out later in life that they have been using an ‘accessory’ card that just has their name on it. Keep and maintain your own credit history.