Canadian CANNAINVESTOR Magazine August / September 2019 | Page 41

ThE emerging cannabis industry:

A Historical Macroeconomic Event with Roots in Latin America.

By: Carol Ortega Algarra. Muisca Capital Group Founder & CEO

A historical macroeconomic event.

Only four events of the current history of mankind have shown annual compound growth rates around 30% (CAGR): 1. The gold rush (1840), 2. The oil boom (1900), 3. Prohibition ends (1933) and 4. The .com boom (1995). Today, the emerging legal cannabis industry in the world is outlining as the fifth most representative macro-economic event throughout history where wealth and economic growth have been present in nations where legalized.

The current context of the emerging legal cannabis industry worldwide shows annual compound growth rates ranging between 28% and 34%, thus placing the emerging industry as the 5th most relevant historical event in terms of wealth generation and potential economic growth in contemporary history.

Global cannabis sales are projected to grow by 38% to USD$17 billion from 2019 to 2020. This rapid growth along with unique CAGRs is creating demand from global investors for exposure to this nascent, but fast maturing industry. Nowhere is this more evident than in Latin America, where there are also thriving cannabis industries in countries such as Colombia and Uruguay.

“…With a population of more than 600 million inhabitants, the Latin American legal cannabis market is expected to be worth USD$13 billion by 2028. This is an emerging industry that was a source of conflict and war but has now become a unique opportunity to be a generator of wealth, diversity and inclusion in our Latino communities.