Canadian CANNAINVESTOR Magazine April / May 2018 | Page 119


the Australian space. The Australian industry, and therefore share prices, trail that of Canada thereby providing ACG the opportunity to tap into that investor base. Australia will be fourth country to approve the legalisation of marijuana and the legislation has helped open the doors for the import, export, and distribution of medical marijuana.

Alliance Growers also continue to develop its partnership with an Israeli Medical Cannabis Company for the production and export of pharmaceutical grade CDB Oil, for proprietary CBD products and for cannabis research and activities. We look forward to unveiling the details soon.

CCIM: This question could be a weekend long discussion on its own … but how do you see Trump’s reported change of position on marijuana changing the landscape?

ACG: President Trump’s statements on this issue during his election campaign indicated that he would uphold those values and while in office support States’ States’ abilities to enact laws regulating marijuana for medical or adult use. This news should make States more comfortable implementing their legalization programs. It should also be a strong signal for lawmakers to pass comprehensive legislation that leaves marijuana policy to the States permanently. We view it as a clear signal that the Trump administration is turning away from the longtime marijuana prohibitionist Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ approach.

CCIM: I am every bit as excited to be discussing ACG now as I was a year ago in my article that included the animal care industry. So now is a good time for your elevator pitch … why should investors consider ACG?

ACG: We are a global cannabis company focused on our strategy to take Alliance Growers to where the cannabis industry is going, not where it is today. We are a cannabis company dedicated to building shareholder value through our focus on the cannabis sector, with an eye toward regulated medical infrastructure within regional, national and international markets. Through our ‘Four Pillars’ Organization Plan, we have mapped out a strategy that seeks to create networks between cannabis growers, cannabidiol (CBD) oil extractors, and new agricultural technologies.

One of Alliance Growers’ primary goals is development of a Cannabis Botany Centre with partner WFS Pharmagreen in which Botanical Research In Motion International Inc. (B.R.I.M.) will be able to operate.