Canadian CANNAINVESTOR Magazine April 2017 | Page 52

Subsequent to this article being written but added due to its importance, a February article in Forbes predicted that by 2020 legal Cannabis job creation will be “more than the expected jobs from manufacturing, utilities or even government jobs, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics”. (

Regardless, one must be prepared to adjust one’s investment exposure and strategy with little notice. Think of it like insurance – you pay into it hoping to never need it. Adding to the uncertainty but not unexpected, unscrupulous market manipulators took to the investment boards hoping to add momentum to the bearish sentiment that these remarks caused. Now more than ever, please ensure you are navigating to the websites that you intended with respect to investing in this industry as imposter sites may be popping up hoping to redirect traffic from the actual sites with similar/same names for their own possibly less than benign purposes.


The ancillary business as well as any branding that can be done may be where the greatest opportunities lie. The legislation governing recreational usage has yet to be introduced but there have been possible “hints”. Hints such as capping the levels of THC and CBD in recreational products, plain bag packaging (ie: no fancy branding), and so forth. We also know from observing jurisdictions such as Colorado that the base ingredient itself (dry leaf) has had a dramatic fall in its commodity price. That may not be the experience in Canada because we have had a history of supply management strategies to ensure a commodity price does not collapse. These are statistics that have recently been published that many may be interpreting incorrectly but one that suggests the medical marijuana market in Canada is growing faster than anticipated.

Retail Investor's Perspective