Canadian Blinds Pros A Guide to Choosing the Best Zebra Blind Style | Page 5
Indoor Blinds
How they work
Zebra blinds are operated using a side chain that allows you to control the shade
to block light or to retract the blind entirely so that you can see the outdoors
completely. You can adjust these blinds to 3” zebra strip line up to offer you light
control, privacy, and insulation. You can also adjust the blinds slightly to align the
2” sheer fabric section to allow more light. The side chains and bottom railing are
designed to match. They may also come with a matching cassette valance.
Benefits of the Zebra Blinds
One of the main benefits of the zebra blinds is the extra control that they offer.
Whether they are partially or completely closed, you still get the needed privacy
against the outside world and still have more shade in your space.
When the blinds are open, you can also control the amount of light that enters
your room. The lighter layer of these blinds will allow the light to come through
your window and still give you the privacy that you need.