Canadian Addiction Rehab Recovering from Morphine Addiction | Page 14
Fentanyl Addiction
Fentanyl addiction, can be identified in an individual by discovering 2 of 11
symptoms within a 12-month span.
Emphasizing further drug use over fixing the problems it has caused
Participation in routine work, school or social activities dwindles or becomes non-
Adding greater risk to the drug use, such as driving while under the influence
Increasing use to mediate the psychological problems that fentanyl caused
Tolerance presence or increase
Symptoms of withdrawal when use stops or when dosage or strength is less
Recreational usage of fentanyl, where dosages are unmonitored and frequency
of use increases over time
Persistent failure to stop or decrease usage of fentanyl despite a desire to do so
Pursuit and usage of fentanyl occupies much of the individual’s time
Constant desire and or ache for using fentanyl
Destruction of individual’s ability to maintain their work, home or school