Canadian Addiction Rehab Drug Rehab - Never Suffer From Addiction Again | Page 3

Addiction Detox – Tried & Tested Way to Clean Your Body • • • Generally, detoxification is the first step towards complete recovery. Drug Rehabilitation centers start off their treatment by removing toxic substances from the bloodstreams of their patients through detoxification. It provides a certain degree of stability to those suffering addiction to drugs or alcohol. There are different types of addiction detox treatments, each used for different types of addiction. In cases, where addiction to toxic substances and drugs is too severe, medical detox is considered to be a better approach. The greatest challenge in overcoming addiction is controlling and managing drug withdrawal symptoms. The initial phases of addiction detox can be quite difficult for most patients, depending on the severity of their addiction and duration of their drug usage. For instance, as soon as the last dose of the drug diminishes, the person would experience severe withdrawal symptoms such as excessive sweating & yawning, anxiety, anger, restlessness and insomnia. While most of these withdrawal symptoms are not dangerous, they can agitate the patient making him a danger to him or herself. The greatest threat faced during addiction detox is the violent behavior of the addict. People who use certain types of synthetic drugs such as bath salts are more prone to being violent. They might end up hurting themselves or those around them. Therefore, such individuals require constant monitoring and in some cases, they are even required to be sedated in order to keep them under control during the detoxification process.