Wealth in Canada: HNW Investors;
Understanding HNW investors and wealth
management strategies in Canada.
No of Pages – 44
Publishing Date - May 31, 2016
Browse detailed TOC, Tables, Figures, Charts in Wealth in Canada: HNW Investors;
Understanding HNW investors and wealth management strategies in Canada. athttp://www.absolutereports.com/10188280
The HNW market in Canada is dominated by family business owners and expat clients drawn from
Asia Pacific and the US. These busy owners prefer discretionary asset management and have little
desire to try other options. As cautious investors they favor classic investments such as equities and
bonds, investing little into less liquid assets such as property or commodities. Tax is a major issue for
the domestic wealth market and a key driver for booking offshore.
Key Findings
- The majority of HNW individuals in Canada have accumulated their wealth through first-generation
entrepreneurship and family businesses.
- Expats, particularly those from China and the US, represent large segments in the HNW market.
- Canadian HNW investors heavily favor equities, followed by the fixed income security of bonds.
- HNW individuals show a strong and enduring preference for discretionary asset management, in
line with regional peers such as the US.
- Canadian HNW investors are preoccupied with tax issues. Demand for tax advice exceeds all other
forms of financial planning and is also driving investors to book their money offshore.