Canada MedLaser The Truth about Acne - Causes, Cures | Page 8
Diet has long been blamed for causing spots with the top culprits being dairy products, greasy food, and chocolate.
However, there is little to no conclusive evidence that greasy foods such as burgers can make your complexion worse.
However, the grease on your foods is a definite hazard to your skin, so it is important to rinse any affected areas. But
this is not to say diet is off the hook. Whilst we cannot prove the innocents of chocolate a lot can be said for a
balanced and healthy diet. Studies have shown that a diet that is high in fiber and low glycemic can be very beneficial
for our skin.
Aside from the cosmetic distress of acne there is another risk to consider. The World Health Organization has found
that UVA light, such as is found in tanning beds, can increase the risk of skin cancer. Whilst some people believe that
tanning is a great way of 'drying' out ones pimples, the reality is that people with acne need to be more careful of their
sun exposure, as sunburn will irritate the skin more. It is recommended to use a light, non-oily sunscreen when
venturing outside.
For further information and advice about the treatment, prevention and causes of acne, consult your doctor. This
article is not a substitute for medical advice.