Canada MedLaser The Truth about Acne - Causes, Cures | Página 3
But if acne is a naturally occurring condition, egged on by our bodies immune system, then what can we do to
prevent it? The treatment of acne is often over exaggerated and really is quite simple in mild to moderate cases.
However, for some patiences, treatment may require the use of topical medications such as retinoids or oral
medications such as antibiotics. In cases where you are unable to effectively manage your acne at home it is
advised that you make an appointment with your local GP or dermatologist.
When experiencing breakout our first instinct may be to pop the pustules or scrub our skin raw, but to do so
would have bad consequences. Remember our body is its own ecosystem, it defends us from infection and
makes us healthy. Whilst we can sometimes help this process along, we also need to make sure we don't pollute
our microbiomes with harsh chemicals or oils, some of which can be found in skin care products. Soap can dry
out the skin, so it is important that when used it is also rinsed off so that it doesn't cause further issue.
A common myth is that you should let acne run its cause, however, when a condition can be persistent to the
tune of several years, it can have a harsh effect on one's self-esteem to simply let it be. However, with the right
self-care a lot of cases can be managed or even treated at home by using these simple tips: