Canada MedLaser The New You, The Younger You! | Page 6

Permanent Eyebrows – Preparing for the Procedure • Preparation Before Going For It • Keep your skin clean; remove the makeup. As the process in an invasion process and to limit the bacterial infection. • Do not wax or pluck your brows before the procedure • No laser treatment should be performed prior to the process at least one week. • Don’t tint or dye your brows. • Decide A Color • You need to communicate to the cosmetic surgeon on what you want. You need to tell him which color you need for your eyebrows. It is one of the critical decisions as once the eyebrows are tattooed the color cannot be changed. So make sure you take your time while deciding the color. You should keep in mind some important factors such as the skin tone, hair color, age and skin type. If you have consulted an experienced cosmetic surgeon then you don’t need to worry about the right color, as he will help you get the best.