Canada MedLaser Getting Rid Of Your Acne Scars Just May Be Easier | Page 3

5 types of Acne Scars and Their Treatments • Boxcar acne scars: – These are depressed acne scars which are of a shallow or medium depth and have a well-defined edge. These types of scars most commonly occur on the cheeks and temples. Since they are relatively shallow, these scars respond well to fractional lasers, dermal fillers, and radio frequency. • Ice pick acne scars: – These are the scars that tend to extend deeper into the skin. They will not be responsive to the treatments that help with boxcar scarring, but they will need to be raised in depth or be removed surgically. Punch excision or TCA CROSS are procedures that may help with the deep ice pick scars. After the scars are raised to a shallower level, the laser resurfacing would provide the finishing touches.