Canada MedLaser A Beginners Guide To Lip Injections | Page 4
Are Lip Injections Really
For You?
are okay with going in to keep your lips this size
since it is something that needs to continue to be done.
You want to make sure you are getting the procedure
done time and time again and this means being able to
go back and have the plumping done that needs to be
done on time. Much like having your hair or nails done,
your lips will need the same maintenance.
are okay with having something done that might be
a little different or not accepted by the general
population. Altering your body is something that not
everyone likes to have done, which is something that
you have to think about when it comes to whether or not
lip injections are the best way to go about it. Make the
right choice based on what you want and not what
others think, but know that they will put you down
again and again and you have to be okay with it if they
are that kind of person.