Can Obesity Kill You 1 | Page 4

PREVENT OBESITYand you might


Getting lots of excersize and maintaining a healthy diet is the best and safest way to lose weight. But it also takes lots of time and support from friends and family. People who want to lose weight fast end up becoming obese all over again. Making healthy food choices and reading the nutrition labels will help reduce gaining weight. Try eating portion sizes and have less snacks. Instead of eating comfort foods, do some meditation or yoga or excersize. Eating healthy and staying active will result in a safe, happy, and healthy lifestyle.

Notes from the Editor

The American lyfestyle is eating good-tasting food. Good-tasting can also be adding lots of calories to your diet. Those are the calories your body does not need. Those extra calories are what create fat. What causes us Americans to eat so much is just how we live. Buffets, eat all you can, and bottomless bowls are bought because of the cheap price. I believe, in order to prevent obesity, we would have to change the livestyle of the Americans.

Heart disease is the number one cause of death. Obesity leads to heart disease and heart disease leads ot death. If one was never obese, then they maybe would have a longer life. Using this information, we know that heart disease can basically stopped.

We need to get rid of the quantity over quality thoughts in our mind. You cannot even take home the food that you get from buffets. If we all thought more about our health than obesity would not be an issue. I believe we have to advertise eating healthy more. If we advertise being healthy then people would think about their food choices and excersizing. Using this method, I believe the people of America would be healthier, and happier.


"Obesity and Heart Disease." Obesity and Heart Disease. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Dec. 2012.

Board, A.D.A.M. Editorial. Obesity. U.S. National Library of Medicine, 18 Nov. 0000. Web. 18 Dec. 2012

"Calculate Your Body Mass Index." Calculate Your BMI. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Dec. 2012.