The technical stuff
The Neocortex is the section of the brain that Neuroscientists study when researching emotions. This consists of four different lobes, the frontal lobes are involved in higher levels of thinking whilst the partial lobe is involved in movement. The temporal lobe involved with speech and the occipital lobes are involved in sight.
The prefrontal cortex, another part of the brain, releases more neurotransmitters, and hence is more active when individuals are feeling happy. The opposite is observed in the right side of the frontal lobe. Many things can facilitate the activity of the left prefrontal cortex, such as healthy eating, exercise sleeping and meditation. Money can create opportunities to allow these activities to be carried out, but many of them can be done without it.
Physical exercise has been shown to strengthen the feel good centre of the brain through the release of specific chemicals known as neurotransmitters, and example of one of these chemicals is dopamine. Scientific research has shown that the levels of nerve cells within the brain decreases as an individual ages hence the levels of domain transmitted will also be reduced. To increase its levels, exercise and eating foods rich in the amino acid tyrosine can increase the production of dopamine.
Serotin is also known to increase activity in the left prefrontal cortex. Low serotonin levels are believed to be the cause of depression, which can lead to tiredness and feelings of worthlessness. Scientists have shown that the most effective way of releasing serotonin is through vigorous exercise and also through diet control. The amino acid tryptophan is associated with the production of serotin so eating foods rich in this amino acid increase the production of serotonin.
the neuroscience of happiness
"For every minute you are angry you lose 60 seconds of happiness”- Ralph Waldo Emerson