Can Money Buy You Happiness? June 2014 | Page 17

Step 1: Assume start position as shown by kneeling down and supporting your upper body on your forearms.

Step 2: Keeping your right knee bent, slowly lift that leg behind you so your foot raises up toward the ceiling.

Step 3: Return to start position and repeat with left leg.

STEP 1: Lie face down on the floor with your palms flat

STEP 2: Engage your abs by tilting your pelvis and drawing your belly button toward your spine.

STEP 3: Spread your fingers and press your palms into the floor. Rotate your shoulders back and down

STEP 4: Push your upper body off the floor and straighten your arms while keeping your hips, legs and feet planted on the mat. Tilt your chin upward and lift your chest toward the ceiling

magna venenatis cursus vitae nec tortor. Maecenas elit nunc, porttitor non tincidunt at nec, scelerisque vel dolor. Suspendisse consectetur mauris vitae odio semper euismod.

STEP 1:Hug both knees into your chest with your head lifted forward and your elbows wide

STEP 2: Inhale with control as you reach your legs forward and arms backward

STEP 3: Exhale slowly as you deepen back into your hug position, using the pull of your knees into your belly and chest

STEP 4: Repeat six times.


these simple Exercises

STEP 1: Lift your right leg of the ground about three hand lengths

STEP 2: Bend your left leg up and bring it towards your chest

STEP 3: Tense your abs and clench upwards and bring your right elbow towards your bent left knee.