Campus Review Volume 24. Issue 1 | Page 2


Welcome to Office 365 ® for Education

Powerful learning tools that go where you go . Borderless global collaboration . And the world ’ s most familiar software and applications . All delivered through the cloud .
For teachers , it ’ s a more rewarding way to work . For students , it opens up the world . For schools themselves , it offers 99.9 % uptime , five layers of security and 24 / 7 IT support . And best of all , it ’ s free .*
Because you can students can teachers can
access your apps on almost any device
Study and create documents anywhere that suits them , in the way that works best for them
Prepare lessons and work anywhere , from the kitchen to the train to the staff room – any time inspiration strikes
collaborate with ease with almost anyone , anywhere , any time
Use familiar Office ™ apps like Word , excel ® , onenote ® and PowerPoint ® from any browser
use ediscovery center to support compliance **
Connect with others via instant messaging , take virtual field trips , or collaborate in study groups with in-class sites that keep documents organised together
Collaborate and create with the tools they ’ ll need to thrive in the 21st Century workplace , across multiple devices , right from a browser .
Feel safe working both online and in the classroom
Create class sites , access student work anywhere and any time , and start an online meeting at a moment ’ s notice
Spend less time figuring out new apps , and more time finding ways to inspire their students
Monitor cyberbullying and ensure their students feel safe working within email and in class sites
store and share files in the cloud
Submit classwork online , collaborate with teachers and avoid sending emails with large attachments
Create classwork at home , and know the documents are waiting for you when you reach the classroom

Visit www . microsoft . com . au / education / office365

* A1 and A2 plans only . ** Available only with A3 plan and above . Minimum cost $ 3.20 per user per month for students and $ 5.80 per user per month for faculty and staff . © 2013 Microsoft Corporation . All rights reserved . Microsoft , the Microsoft logo , the Office design logo , Excel , Office 365 , OneNote and PowerPoint are registered trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies in the United States and / or other countries . 16253-0513 / Microsoft
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