Campus Review Vol 33. Issue 05 - Oct - Nov 2023 | Page 8

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Safer campuses

‘ Upskirting ’ at Sydney Uni sign of a bigger sector-wide problem
By Erin Nixon


University of Sydney ( USYD ) student was arrested after allegedly taking inappropriate ‘ upskirting ’ photos of a female student in Fisher Library on 31 August .
The man was detained by campus security before police arrived and charged him with intentionally recording intimate images without consent .
USYD deputy vice-chancellor ( education ) Professor Joanne Wright wrote a message to students stating the university was “ disturbed and appalled by the alleged conduct ”.
The alleged incident occurred just days after USYD released its inaugural Annual Report on Sexual Misconduct .
According to the report , 121 incidents of sexual misconduct were reported to the university in 2022 , including 74 cases of sexual assault and 47 cases of sexual harassment .
Almost half of the reported incidents happened on campus , or the perpetrator was a student or member of staff .
Less than 20 per cent of the reported incidents resulted in formal complaints ( requiring the university to investigate and take action in response ) and only seven formal complaints were resolved .
A 2021 National Student Safety Survey ( NSSS ) showed that 275 students are sexually assaulted in university settings every week .
The Universities Accord identified campus safety as one of five high-priority recommendations in their interim report , following revelations that 29 universities had not accurately reported instances of sexual misconduct .
Following the Accord ’ s interim report ’ s release , education minister Jason Clare announced a working group on university governance .
Department of Education deputy secretary Ben Rimmer leads the working group , which includes gendered violence prevention expert , Our Watch chief Patty Kinnersly .
The working group will also consult with activist and advocate groups including End Rape On Campus ( EROC ), The STOP Campaign and Fair Agenda .
A joint open letter to the Albanese government from EROC and Fair Agenda member organisations and individuals on July 11 , called on the federal government to “ establish an independent oversight and accountability mechanism to address sexual violence at universities .”
UA CRITICISM Universities Australia ( UA ), the peak body representing Australia ’ s 39 universities , has been criticised for changing tack on its commitment to a nationwide “ Respect at Uni ” event .
UA received $ 1.5m in taxpayer funding in 2021 to deliver a “ respectful relationships ” campaign in 2021 that never eventuated .
Almost half of the reported incidents happened on campus , or the perpetrator was a student or member of staff
In a statement , which has since been removed from the organisation ’ s website , UA confirmed that a “ Respect at Uni ” program would be rolled out to universities nationwide .
In a closed door meeting , UA chief Catriona Jackson apologised for publicly committing to the program despite not having sign-off from all vice chancellors .
A UA representative said the program was axed after focus-group testing showed the campaign wouldn ’ t have enough ‘ cut through ’.
The program was replaced by a 46-page guide on good practice , drawing heavily on content from other violence prevention organisations including Our Watch , Rainbow Health Australia and the National Plan to End Violence Against Women and Children .
Recent senate inquiry hearings on current and proposed sexual consent laws in Australia heard that UA didn ’ t consult with Australia ’ s largest national union of students when developing the guide .
Ms Jackson ’ s contract with UA was extended but not renewed last year and Deakin University head Iain Martin has requested a meeting with UA chair David Lloyd to discuss Ms Jackson ’ s future in the organisation . ■