Campus Review Vol 33. Issue 05 - Oct - Nov 2023 | Page 25

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Digital passport

Digital ID stores qualifications : national skills passport
By Erin Morley

A new national skills passport announced on September 24 by the federal government will store all qualifications as a digital ID in one place , changing the way employers can find new hires .

As part of the employment white paper released September 25 , the $ 9.1 million tool will combine VET and university qualifications in one app , in a way that is similar to how the Medicare app operates .
Treasurer Jim Chalmers said the passport will help streamline the hiring processes for employers and help workers to have multiple qualifications recognised .
“ For more and more workers in the future , their education won ’ t finish when they graduate school or complete their apprenticeship – they ’ ll need to continue to re-train , renew and re-skill ,” the Treasurer said .
“ It ’ s vital that we build a more agile and adaptable labour force . Our economy is rapidly changing , and the demands on workers and employers are changing too .”
The 2023 labour market update found 90 per cent of jobs require a post-school qualification , which Minister for Education Jason Clare said will be shown through the skills displayed on the passport .
“ A National Skills Passport could make it easier for employees to demonstrate the skills they have , and for employers to have confidence that employees have the skills they need ,” the Education Minister said .
Universities Australia ( UA ) chief Catriona Jackson said Australia is facing a skills shortage crisis , and the passport could be of use to universities and their students .
“ We need to be doing all that we can to lift productivity and move towards a sustainable and faster growing economy ,
For more and more workers in the future , their education won ’ t finish when they graduate school or complete their apprenticeship – they ’ ll need to continue to re-train , renew and re-skill
and that means having more skilled workers ,” she said .
“ A National Skills Passport will help in this regard , particularly if it builds on the existing qualifications recognition infrastructure that universities and other tertiary providers already use .”
Ms Jackson said the tool has the “ potential to expand access to recognition of prior learning and get people into jobs faster while opening up further study options .” ■