The team at ECU using motion capture to bring the game to life . Picture : Supplied
Digital deterrent
Interactive game teaches students risks of drugs and alcohol .
By Emilie Lauer
High school students across Australia will soon be able to learn about the risks of drugs and alcohol through a new , interactive online game .
Developed by researchers from Edith Cowan University and drug awareness non-profit Sideeffect Australia , the game is believed to be the first of its kind in the country .
The game is designed for Year 9 and 10 students , who experience different potential drug-related scenarios at a house party through the eyes of three avatars .
“ Each character is specifically created to depict the effects of risk-taking or harm minimisation behaviours ,” ECU project lead Brennen Mills said .
“ The students are then tasked with identifying these different behaviours , how they ’ ve affected the character ’ s progression throughout the game , and to identify strategies to alleviate or minimise harm .”
Teachers can also play along as additional learning modules have been created to encourage conversation .
“ Teachers have access to resources , instructions and worksheets aligned to ingame content , easily deliverable regardless of technology or content familiarity ,” Mills said .
“ Lesson formats are designed to be repeatable , standardised for use in classrooms , at home , or through remote learning , and allow teachers the flexibility to deep-dive into different activities allowing accommodation of differing lesson lengths .”
According to AIHW data the average Australian teenager is 16 years old when introduced to alcohol compared to almost 20 years of age for illicit drugs .
During the pandemic , data from the ANU revealed teenage alcohol consumption reduced as more parents were working from home . Yet , parent ’ s alcohol consumption increased with one in four parents drinking more during the lockdown period .
Young adults over 18 were reported to have increased their alcohol and cannabis consumption .
The Alcohol and Drug Foundation said that schools play a role in preventing alcohol and drug harm , but have a limited impact .
According to Mills several factors can impede traditional alcohol and drug education classes , including “ non-engaging
Scenarios depicted in-game are realistic and reflective of real-world environments and settings .
and non-interactive delivery of subject material , cumbersome upskilling and / or training requirements for teachers , and implementation issues ”.
Mills believes the game will engage students more than a traditional alcohol and drug class as evidence shows applied games in education enhance engagement and motivation to learn .
“ Substantial consultation work was undertaken by the Simulation and Immersive Digital Technology Group at Edith Cowan University to ensure scenarios depicted in-game are realistic and reflective of real-world environments and settings .”
The game is currently being tested in a West Australian school across their Year 9 and 10 cohort and will be soon available all around Australia .
Mills said that ECU plans to “ further assess the impact of the game on students , as well as potentially look at development of similar gameplay modules for other year groups ”. ■