Campus Review Vol 31. Issue 07 - July 2021 | Page 10

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Ahead of the game

Report recommends ways to make Aus / NZ destinations of choice .
By Wade Zaglas

A recent Quacquarelli Symonds ’ ( QS ) report provides universities and other higher education providers with critical insights into how Australia and New Zealand can position themselves as destinations of choice for students in early 2022 .

In developing the report , titled Volume 1 : The road to recovery in Australia and New Zealand International Student Survey 2021 , QS analysed data from the 2021 QS International Student Survey , as well as the ongoing QS Coronavirus Student Survey . The survey included responses from more than 30,000 prospective international students , covering undergraduate ( 40 per cent ), postgraduate : coursework ( 34 per cent ), postgraduate : research ( 21 per cent ) and TAFE / Vocational courses ( 4 per cent ). Twenty-seven institutions participated .
Data collected from the ongoing QS Coronavirus Student Survey comprised 1,267 students and was collected between 1 January and 31 March 2021 . A similar range of course preferences were identified . The data helped to recommend strategies to make Australia and New Zealand study destinations of choice , particularly in 2022 .
RECOMMENDATIONS Australia and New Zealand must communicate their relative success in managing the COVID-19 pandemic , and
communicate a clear timetable for opening up their international borders .
“ These results have the potential to act as an important recruitment drawcard , with over 50 per cent of prospective students indicating that they had reconsidered which country to study in based on the way each country ’ s government has managed the pandemic ,” the report says .
“ However , these favourable results have the potential to be offset by each country ’ s strict international travel controls , with 58 per cent saying that they would be looking to study in a country that is already open for international students , rather than wait for their preferred country to be open .”
As these observations show , while the perception is that both Australia and New Zealand have handled the pandemic well , it is imperative that both countries communicate a clear plan and timetable for international students to return en masse , “ limiting the possibility of prospects choosing another country when they may have otherwise preferred to study here ”.
Institutions must be able to provide accessible and low-cost quarantine options for prospective students .
The Road to recovery report reassuringly found that a large majority of prospective international students were willing to undertake mandatory quarantine in their study destination of choice .
“ However , there is an expectation that at least some of the cost of quarantine would be covered by someone other than themselves ( likely the institution they have enrolled at , or subsidised by the government of their destination country or city ),” the report said .
“ Students also expressed a strong preference for their quarantine to be conducted on campus – two thirds said they would prefer to undertake their quarantine in an on-campus hall of residence , rather than a hotel .”
The report warned that quarantine affordability would be a primary concern for prospective students and a “ favourable quarantine arrangement may serve as an enticement to choose Australia or New Zealand over other countries ”.
Establish comprehensive support services at institutions to manage a range of student challenges and concerns .
The third recommendation contained in the QS report emphasises the range of extra support and services that will be required to help manage the social and mental wellbeing of prospective international students during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic .
“ As a result , international students will be relying on their chosen institution to not only provide a high-quality learning experience , but to provide access to social , emotional and pastoral support mechanisms , and to put measures in place to ensure that students are appropriately supported in all aspects of their academic and non-academic life ,” the report says .
“ The survey results suggest a high level of demand for formalised support services , including student counselling , mental health advice services , 24-hour helplines and the ability for these services to provide referrals to health care professionals .”
The report found that cost of living is the key concern for prospective students , and recommended that it will be vital for institutions to afford their international