Campus Review Vol 31. Issue 05 - May 2021 | Page 13

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Do we know how to look for a leader whose values fit what we are , and want to become ?

Emotional rescue

The case for compassionate leadership in uncertain times .
By Martin Betts

The public discourse around leadership , empathy and communication style has elevated in recent times in political and corporate contexts . We are witnessing restated calls for how to be , how to lead and how to communicate . The levels of pressure , and lack of certainty in all of our lives , are changing the conversation about culture and leadership style .

We have seen pent-up anger with how people are treated on a range of issues surface with suitably loud voices . The message that black lives matter is global and continues . The outcry against sexual harassment , directed to the highest of places in Australia , is that enough is enough .
Responses are being measured not only by what is said , but by how we feel about the way we are listened to , or not , and spoken with , or at , and when . University culture , and communication by leaders , has not had this much attention for some time either . Interaction between teachers and students became strained by the rush to remote learning . Delays to full campus returns is leading students , supported by governments , to express dissatisfaction with their experience , concern where fees go , and whether we care enough about domestic students . Interactions between academic and professional staff are being challenged by fallouts from organisational changes and staffing reductions .
Interaction among academics is undermined by the loss of the shared space serendipity that campuses were designed for . How do we reconcile the concept of a community of scholars in a world partly working from home ? And does anyone believe an online conference , in the middle of the night , will replace the synergy and inspiration traditionally initiated at events around the world ?
In these circumstances , what are our messages about rebuilding communities , other than telling staff to come back to campus ?
These are times that call for new approaches to engagement , communication , leadership and relationships . And these are times that call for compassionate , and yes empathetic , leadership from our leaders .
In this context , how are university leaders leading ? The VC town halls by Zoom continue apace , as do chatty and newsy all staff emails . These sometimes tell people how busy leaders are . And remind staff , absent from campus , that they have matters to attend to . But are we talking and writing about and for them , or about and for us ?
The lesson for politicians recently is that this is not about saying you care , only to snap and bite at the first question . And regretting that others feel bullied by our language , behaviour , and forcefulness , without accepting any role in those feelings , is not being empathetic .
Authenticity is seen in the actions we take , not in our smooth , scripted communications when the pressure is off .
What defines culture are the leadership symbols we display , when the going gets tough . With culture , it really is a case of once bitten twice shy .
It is easy to see a dichotomy at the moment between extremes . The empathetic and authentic leaders give voice to stakeholders , listen and make decisions with other people ’ s interests in mind .
Do as I say , not as I do , never did work well . It doesn ’ t right now .
In a recent episode of HEDx , Professor Giselle Byrnes , the Provost of Massey University in New Zealand , described these as being times when our universities need compassionate leadership . I am sure she is right . Our politicians might not be alone in having much to learn about leadership and culture from across the Tasman .
We have often selected our Vice Chancellors , and other leaders , for their academic , management and leadership pedigree . How a VC is selected now might need a different focus . Do we know how to look for a leader whose values fit what we are , and want to become , at times when our culture and staff are in a state of unprecedented fragility ?
Mark Scott ’ s appointment at Sydney seems well suited to the needs of digital disruption , and fractured relationships with a government reducing funding . He has been there , done both . But as over half of Australia ’ s VCs commenced in the last 15 months , or will in the next six , how many chancellors , search consultants and selection processes are finding empathetic leaders whose values , styles and behaviours match the mood , feelings , culture and needs of a bruised , stretched and uncertain workforce ? Are we hiring on IQ or EQ ?
Now is a time when we need leaders to galvanise , unite , give purpose to , and inspire communities of scholars , students and partners . They need to use a burning platform as an opportunity to lead people to transform , differentiate , renew and succeed , together . Finding such a leader will be the most important step that any university will take . ■