Campus Review Vol 29. Issue 8 August 2019 | Page 29

TECHNOLOGY Enter the ‘cyber beast’ Universities not ready for digital era threats. By Wade Zaglas A new report has warned that Australian education institutions are ill-prepared for the cybersecurity threats of the digital age. Commissioned by cybersecurity group Cisco, the report provides clues as to why successful cyber attacks are happening more often and causing more harm. First, it found that Australian education institutions had a low overall confidence in their cyber strategy and approach. It also found that institutions had a “patchy understanding” of the origins of the threats, and there were “concerning gaps in organisational preparedness”. For example, “nearly half of all institutions didn’t believe that people in senior roles knew what to do in the event of a cyber breach, or that a communications strategy was in place”. The changing landscape of cyber threats to education was another clue found. Despite these findings, more than half of the institutions surveyed considered cybersecurity as one of the board/ council’s “top three priorities” and that cybersecurity spending is “increasing by more than 30 per cent year on year”. Indeed, now that education institutions are realising the “size and nature of the beast”, one institution surveyed plans to increase spending on cybersecurity by 200 per cent next year. “In large organisations, such as tertiary institutions, there’s a chance that someone will click on ‘that malicious link’,” said Steve Moros, cybersecurity at director Cisco Australia and New Zealand. “The challenge is to ensure that an organisation’s underlying infrastructure is designed to block that threat, reduce the time taken to discover the threat, limit the damage of a threat, and identify patterns at a system level so similar threats can be avoided in the future.” Such “underlying infrastructure” helps to: 1. Block that threat 2. If breached, ensure a reduced time is taken to discover the threat 3. Limit the financial and reputational damage of the threat 4. Identify patterns at an institute and system level so that similar threats can be avoided in the future. “Universities and tertiary institutions have a vast attack surface with the increasing number of devices connecting to their networks through their students,” Moros said. “We see the majority of respondents planning to invest in multi- factor authentication and zero trust technologies ... to strengthen their defences against user credential attacks.” Up until five years ago, attackers mainly targeted student, financial and research data held at Australian education institutions, but reports are emerging about cyber criminals desiring to attack institutions that promote themselves as cybersecurity experts. For the malicious Nearly half of all institutions didn’t believe that people in senior roles knew what to do in the event of a cyber breach. cyber expert, Moros said, “institutional claims of cyber excellence may be perceived as an invitation to attack, and sometimes this threat can be within their own student population”.  ■ 27