fiction Blue Dust “G by Kudzai Mwanza | EPISODE 2 ood, you are here... what happened to you?” Tererai Rusike asked as she moved away from Leona Rusike who was kneeling toward the head of the grave. She scanned Detective Tomudai from top to bottom then shook her head as she crossed her hands over her ample bust. “Another fight with the ex madam I presume.” “Do you even know how to mind your own business?”Lieutenant Tomudai snapped as he stepped on the lawn that lined the grave in front of them He felt really uncomfortable being among graves but at the moment looking at graves was better than having to talk to the ladies who were surrounding him. The graves were arranged in straight lines in every direction and were close together like match boxes in a pack. He cursed under his breathe at the thought of spending the early hours of the new year surrounded by Tererai Rusike. “ Minding other people’s businesses is my business. That is one of the main reasons why I became a journalist.” Tererai said as she dropped her left hand and flipped her untied Brazilian hair weave with her right hand. “So?” “Why are we here anyway?” Lieutenant Tomudai asked. “There is a body two rows from here.” Doctor Leona answered. “I think its missing a few internal organs.” She said as she rose up holding a human heart dripping of blood. everyone apart from her jumped, Detective Madavanhu almost twisted her angle. They all looked at Doctor Leona Sahumani with fear and disgust. Tererai could feel her stomach churning. She pressed a fist against her mouth as she rubbed her stomach with her free hand. Madavanhu almost commented but was disgusted by the way Doctor Sahumani was holding the bloody heart in her hands. Her expression was that of curiosity and there was a tiny spark in those black mysterious eyes. Detective Madavanhu always questioned the reasons JULY 2015. CM. Page 22 behind Sahumani becoming a pathologist. The rumor around the station was that she was part vampire. As ridiculous as that theory was, sometimes Detective Madavanhu considered it. One of those times was today. “her whole body was overtaken with surreal warmth that quickly turned to wetness. As she came back to her senses, pain sliced through out her body to the point that she could not cry out loud.” “Can you stop that.”Lieutenant Tomudai demanded after he had calmed down. “Lead us to the rest of the body. Remind me to get you a transfer from Harare CID to..... I don’t care. Any where!” “Do I creep you out?” Doctor Sahumani looked at him with glowing dancing eyes. “ Just go.” Lieutenant Tomudai said in a loud whisper. “How did you become homicide detectives if you freak out at the sight of a little blood?” Doctor Sahumani asked as she swung the heart in the air amid expressions of terror and on one instance of hate. “All the bodies I work on have internal organs, I don’t know..INSIDE!” Lieutenant Tomudai said with a raised fist that he swung vigorously in air. “Easy there.” Tererai said with a nervous laugh. Detective Madavanhu tried to extend her hand to touch her boyfriend ‘s shoulder. She thought about it mid air then stopped her self. Suddenly there was an overbearing silence that was deafening. Doctor Sahumani looked around at her team members who were looking anywhere but at each other. So many things had happened in the past year that had left everything with them being an awkward encounter. She breathed in softly as she faced the other direction, walking toward the body. Her focus was on the heart that she delicately held in her hands. Lieutenant Tomudai followed without another word. Detective Madavanhu dug her elbow into Tererai’s ribs then pointed at the Doctor and said in a hushed whisper: “How long was she here before you turned up?” “I found her here.” Rusike whispered back. “At least its not just me, she freaks you out too. “I can not say I’m freaked out. Nothing scares me, remember.” Detective Madavanhu answered as she attempted to walk. Tererai pulled her back then indicated to the Lieutenant with her head “ He did not tell me what happened either.” Detective Madavanhu answered with a cracking voice. “Don’t you think that is a lot of blood for a domestic dispute.” Tererai asked as she let go of the Detective’s hand and the two began to walk. “His wife is not like many women you know. She was nick named the Rortweiller. That should tell you something.” “Aren’t you a little bit worried?” Tererai asked as the ladies followed their other team members. “Who am I talking to right now? I happen to love my boyfriend..” she said as she stopped and turned to face Tererai with one raised brow. “Relax, its off record . I promise.” Tererai said with a naughty smile as she pat the Detective’s back. Before Detective Madavanhu had time to answer, Lieutenant Tomudai sped past them, knocking both of them off their feet. Detective Madavanhu fell on top of a freshly dug grave and loose mud particles splashed everywhere, blinding her and covering most of her face with the dust that rose as a result of the fall, making her cough. Continued to next page>>>