by Jason Shiri
here is a breed of madness, a type of delusion
almost, that consumes a man (or woman, no
gender bias here) who is driven by his identity.
Such an individual can never be content with anything
other than the vision he saw the day he first believed.
See, we can run from everything and everyone but ourselves and even when we have convinced everybody else
that we have succeeded, our own nature will accuse us
when we fall short of our dreams and aspirations. The first
stage is to believe that we are worthy of the dreams God has
put in our heads, this is the beginning of self confidence.
The second stage is to let that dream become our identity, this stage enables one to disassociate himself from the
masses and the final stage is to let that identity consume all
things foreign, weak, lazy, fearful, procrastinative and under productive. Not counter productive, under productive.
Our biggest vices are not the ones that keep us from going
forward, our greatest vices are those that keep us from going as far forward as we can. They convince us that good is
better than great, and so we settle. Afraid to let go of what we
have to grasp what could be. Its risky, but it must be done.
“even when we have convinced
everybody else that we have
succeeded, our own na \