CampMinder Magazine Volume 2 | Page 12

How much does it cost for a camp to subscribe ?
G A R Y : Up until fall 2012 , it had been offered at no cost to both AMSkier and CampMinder clients . Other camps could subscribe to plans starting at about $ 15 per month . We recently decided , though , that we ought to simply make it available to all camps at no charge , as long as they add their staff members to the database . If you want to benefit from Staffer , it ’ s important that you contribute to it as well .
What made you decide to make it a free service ?
D A N : This summer , Aimee Skier and I were talking about an unfortunate situation whereby an inappropriate individual had been able to gain employment at numerous camps over a series of years . This is precisely the type of situation that Staffer was designed to prevent . While the service had been generating some revenue to offset development and maintenance costs , we felt that child safety is more important than defraying our costs . Now that it ’ s free , we hope that all camps include checking the Staffer Index as part of their standard hiring practices .
How does it work ?
G A R Y : It ’ s pretty simple . Staff names are automatically entered into the index through CampMinder at the end of each camp season . Camps that do not use CampMinder provide spreadsheets of staff names each year and upload them . During interviews , camp directors alert potential employees that they will be listed in the index as a way to track their camp employment history . Camp directors check the Staffer Index for each applicant to see if he or she had been employed at other camps in the past . If a match is found , the camp director is provided the names , addresses and phone numbers of the applicant ’ s previous employers so that the director may obtain a direct reference .
So is this like a rating service , like Yelp for camp staff ?
But if there are no ratings or reports , how does that stop camps from hiring predators ?
G A R Y : By encouraging open and valuable communication between camps , the Staffer Index lessens the likelihood that a camp will unknowingly hire a predator . Not only can camp directors validate references and job history , but they also can deter the wrong people from working around children . Camps using the Index tell staff during the hiring process that they will be listed in the database . This has caused several potential hires to withdraw their applications .
D A N : Telling prospective staff members that your camp uses the service sends a powerful message . It lets them know that you ’ re willing to go the extra mile to prevent predators from gaining inappropriate access to young people . Similarly , it affords camper parents a little more peace of mind .
How can camps get started with the Staffer Index ?
G A R Y : For more information , camps can visit the website at www . stafferindex . com . Camps that want to talk to someone can call the AMSkier office at 800-245-2666 .
s t a f f e r i n d e x . c o m

International Camp Staffing

NEW for 2013 …

BUNAC will be fully integrated with CampMinder ’ s ClientLink !

BUNAC continues to set the pace in international camp staffing …

Excellence and Experience …
Celebrating our 50th year in cultural exchange , BUNAC remains on the cutting edge , providing excellence in each and every summer camp placement .
Tailor Made for your Camp …
Look for new updates in 2013 making our Camp Directors ’ portal more user friendly , more efficient , and search our pool of applicants more easily .
D A N : Not at all . Staffer is not rumor mill . It isn ’ t a website like “ ratemyteacher . com .” There are no reviews , asterisks or references . The only information provided is what you need to perform due diligence in hiring : name , date of birth , and employment history . The Staffer Index is designed for you to learn facts as opposed to opinions and innuendo , and it allows access to information that is always accurate , without exposing its users to liability for defamation .
Renown for our Expertise …
Our Summer Camp Team have an average of 10 years camp staffing experience .
Our Commitment : Quality staff , Competitive fees , Second to none service .
22 | Volume 2
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