Campaign Corner 2024 | Page 20

2nd Vice President

Main Duties

The NJCL Second Vice President does work year round , not just at Convention . For example , the 2VP runs the Club of the Month contest . This includes creating an engaging theme , designing a COTM packet , reading and judging all of the monthly submissions , and creating graphics for the NJCL Instagram to announce the winners .
The 2VP also works with the 1VP to plan National Classics Week and Classicalia . This includes creating an engaging theme , designing a NCW packet , creating schedules , and coming up with creative service projects . Another important duty is planning the National Service Project ! Think out of the box to get as many JCLers involved as you can ! It should be something you ' re passionate about , because you will be leading it !
The 2VP also decides on spirit and dance themes for upcoming Convention . As 2VP , you will also create the Spirit and Service Packet ! With all of these packets and graphics , you ’ ll be best friends with Canva ( or any design program of your choosing !) by the end of your term .

Natalie Allen

How to Prepare

You will be creating a lot of digital designs and packets throughout your term , so it ' s helpful to be familiar with design software ! ( My favourite is Canva , but feel free to use any program that you are most comfortable with !)
As 2VP , you will be responsible for service and spirit , so I suggest brainstorming examples of projects and spirit themes that you might use if you were to be elected in your campaign ! These ideas tend to become reused and repetitive , so try to think of something that hasn ' t been done before so that you stand out as a candidate ! If you have experience with event planning ( especially service events ), you might consider providing some examples of your successes in that field in your campaign .
When you come up with your platform , think of what skills and ideas you can bring to the table as a 2VP . Your goals don ' t have to be revolutionary , but come up with ideas that showcase how and why you would be a good fit for this role and what you can provide to benefit the NJCL as well as what makes you stand out from other candidates .