sports camps
Grades 3-6
Learn from the best sports instructors in the area , build meaningful friendships , take on new adventures and build leadership skills all summer long !
The Experience :
Camp is jam-packed with activities and field trips . Learn teamwork , confidence , and what it means to PLAY STRONG !
Play all summer with experienced coaches and student athletes who aim to create a positive and encouraging experience for campers of all skill levels
• Compete in a variety of traditional sports including soccer , volleyball , softball , tennis , lacrosse , and basketball and some non-traditional sports .
• Learn the fundamentals and build skills in each sport through instruction , drills , and play .
• Swim every week at Hidden Creek AquaPark or Rosewood Beach and engage in fun activities at other facilities including geocaching , teambuilding and archery .
• Attend weekly outdoor field trips
Join us for a summer of fun , excitement and lasting memories !
Important Info :
Campers must bring a sack lunch , water bottle , sunscreen , bug spray , swimsuit and towel to camp every day .
Campers receive a camp t-shirt on the first day .
Camper to staff ratio is 10:1 .
Location : Indian Trail Elementary School , 2075 St Johns Ave
Supervisor : Stephanie Sylvester , 847-579-4108 , ssylvester @ pdhp . org
Girls Play Strong is a 7-week , 4-week camp .
Safety Requirements
Campers may be required to wear a face covering throughout the day , understand and maintain social distancing , handwashing schedules , and independently complete daily life tasks such as eating , dressing , tying shoes , toileting , and applying their own sunscreen / bug spray . To ensure the safety of everyone , these requirements and the camp structure may be modified as guidance from health experts develops . You will be notified of changes via email as this information becomes available .
After Camp |
( Must be pre-registered , no drop-in care ) |
7-weeks |
3:30-5:30pm |
5165100-C |
M-F |
$ 875 / 9254 ) |
June 21-Jul 16 |
4-weeks |
3:30-5:30pm |
5165100-D |
M-F |
$ 520 / 570 |
Register by Sun Feb 28 to receive : $ 100 off 7-week sessions $ 50 off 4-week sessions
26 Camp 2021 | Park District of Highland Park • pdhp . org