CAM November 2018 | Page 7

Duncan Etherington T: 07 575 8899  M: 0212 815 999  F: 07 575 8873 E: [email protected]  W: 2012 KOMATSU D85PX-15R S blade, 12,500hrs $POA. 2012 VOLVO L70G, COUPLER BSS, 3rd valve, 3600hrs $170,000 + GST. 2012 VOLVO L90G 4300hrs, BSS, 3rd Valve $195,000 + GST. KOMATSU D155AX-7 Sigma twin tilt, MS ripper, new U/C, 4,900hrs $445,000 + GST. BACKING PLATES To suit 300-8 KOMATSU D65/D85 Track Guards CAT D6T/D6R/D6H/D65 Idlers KOMATSU D65 Ripper shanks. KOMATSU Radiator guard. CAT CS76/563/56 Shell kits. $5,000 + GST. 2x HYSTER W6F WINCH to suit CAT D6H/D6R/D6T $POA. D6T/D65/D51 MS ripper assemblies $15,000 + GST. NEW KOMATSU D65WX-15 Chains/Sprocket sets $10,500 + GST. ALLIED W8L Winch to suit D85-21/-15 $20,000 + GST. JOHN DEERE 770/772/670 Grader rippers $12,500 + GST. 12M MS RIPPERS AND PB $12,500 + GST. Used earthmoving machinery trading & sales