Calvary Life | Page 6


our Hearts to God ’ s Purposes

I have a prayer journal from my high school years . The first time I pulled it out of a box of memories and began reading , I literally said over and over again , “ Thank you , Lord !” I was so very grateful God knew better and answered many of those prayers with “ No .” These were early prayers , baby prayers . Over and over , I found I had I told God what I wanted Him to do . He does tell us to ask , but as I ’ ve grown in my faith , my perspective on prayer has changed . I ’ ve learned that prayer is so much more than simply asking . Instead of hoping to conform God ’ s will to my desires , prayer is about conforming my will to the One who knows and sees everything .
Jesus modeled this truth for us in the Garden of Gethsemane the night before His crucifixion . It is recorded that Jesus fell with his face to the ground and prayed , “ My Father , if it is possible , may this cup be taken from me . Yet not as I will , but as you will .” ( Matthew 26:39 ) We later read in Hebrews 5:7-9 , “ During the days of Jesus ’ life on earth , he offered up prayer and petitions with fervent cries and