Calvary Life FallCalvaryLife2018-WEB | Page 22

Following God the adventure and blessing that come with obedience Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord. Psalm 27:14 When I was invited to be a part of the Benevolence Team eight years ago I had no idea what was involved. I had sensed God directing me out of the Tuesday Morning Bible Study program and since the Benevolence Team met on Tuesday mornings I felt this was what God had next for me in ministry. As I sat and listened during the first few meetings I soon came to realize that many of the people sitting in the pews on Sunday morning looking happy, nicely dressed and content actually were struggling with severe problems. They were on difficult journeys of financial stress brought on by job loss, emergency medical conditions, long-term health issues and disabilities, poor choices and lack of financial training. Over the years God has really worked in my heart, giving me a love and compassion for hurting people. He has shown me how to put myself in their shoes to better understand what they are going through and, therefore, be a better listener and encourager. He has given me the right words at the right time to bring help and peace and also to confront when necessary. It would be a simple task if all we needed to do was pay bills, but sometimes God instructs us to wait or say no because He has another, greater plan to reveal Himself and bring glory to His Name. Through trials in my own life I have been challenged with the words of Psalm 27:14, “Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord.” I have learned the importance of not going ahead of God, surrendering my will to Him and listening for and being obedient to His direction for my life. Now God is giving me the opportunity to share some of my experiences with others and be reminded myself, as I try to remind them, that it is through our trials and struggles that we grow in faith. As the Benevolence Team is an extension of the Deacons, we are working together to care for the widows and orphans and poor. God has continued to put together a team of men and women with varied career and life experiences to talk through, with confidentiality, the wide variety of problems and concerns that are brought to us. As we strive to be a blessing to the Calvary family, it is we who receive the blessing from seeing how God can change situations, attitudes, and lives in miraculous ways. By Faith Bergakker One of the privileges we have as Christ’s church in this place, is to come alongside those in our midst who are going through financial difficulties. At the conclusion of each communion service, a special offering is received from the congregation for this purpose. If you would like more information and are in need of financial support in this season, contact Lynnell Bok ([email protected]) at ext. 3510 for more information. 22