Calvary Church Annual Report AnnualReport2018-web | Page 11

prayer As we look back over this last year, I’m grateful to be able to praise the name of the Lord in the assembly (Psalm 22:22). It’s easier to measure increase by counting those that were involved in prayer. It’s more of a challenge to measure the presence of the Lord in our prayer times. For some years now the elders have set aside the beginning of their first Tuesday meeting to pray over any that come for healing, for wisdom, comfort. The Elder Prayer continues to grow with 40 coming on just one night in November! The Lord continues to heal, to sustain and to be a very present help. It was so encouraging to compile a list of 27 formal and current prayer groups at Calvary. These are in addition to Adult Sunday Classes and Small Groups that pray for one another, or special events like CityFest or Ramadan. Some groups have been praying together for years like the Intercessors, Pastors’ Prayer Partners, Prayer Shawl, Neighbors International, Special Needs, Third Monday Mis- sions Group, and others. Some groups like Grandparents at Prayer, a few under Mercy and Hospi- tality, Partners in Housing, and the Boiler Room (during Sunday service specifically for the services) were formed this year. At Lee Content’s challenge, the seven Mercy and Hospitality ministries re- cruited 100 different individuals to pray through their monthly emailed requests. Other groups are seeking the Lord for more participants. Which group has God given you compassion to pray for and with? See the whole list at or get a copy at the Connection Point. We prayed for one another during the 24-hour prayer vigil in the Prayer Garden one weekend in December. Then during Holy Week, people were available every day to pray with others in the Prayer Garden. How blessed we are to have this special place where we commune one to one with the Holy One himself! Finally, this year we spent time in the Sanctuary praying over one another. It was outside our nor- mal practice to stand and pray out loud over those that went forward. However, it was a huge bless- ing to those that went down front or stood in the aisles and it was a pleasing aroma to the Lord. Perhaps you’ve heard how someone was also blessed the August morning we prayed for those that stood. For one student about to leave for college it was God’s way of affirming her decision to re- turn. For her parents it was God showing how He had her surrounded as she left just like she was surrounded that morning. And that’s just the tip of how God acted that morning! I suspect as well that this is just the tip of what God did with us in prayer this year. Cindy Marrell, Prayer Coordinator Prayer Ministry Staff Cindy Marrell, Prayer Coordinator 11