The next Women’s Luncheon will be
held on Thursday, May 4, 2017, at
Fred’s Market Restaurant.
This is for all women of Calvary
Lutheran Church and their friends.
This is a wonderful opportunity to
meet with other women of Calvary
and have a little fun.
Let us know if you are coming. There is
a sign up sheet in the Narthex or email or call -
Sandi Sims 813-618-4789, [email protected]
Stephen Ministers provide one to
one Christian care to people in
our congregation and community
who are experiencing difficulties
in their lives.
Stephen Ministry is a confidential
ministry. The identity of those
receiving care and everything
they discuss with a Stephen
Minister remain private.
If you or someone you know
might benefit from the care of a
Stephen Minister, call the church
office at 645-1305.