Interested in being one of The CalmCoolCollective ’ s little chickens ? We would love that !

The theme for next zine is Food Justice . Submissions are due by noon PST on July 5th , 2021 .
Our objective is to begin a conversation around the ways food is commodified to the detriment of People of Color and cash-poor folk . Does your work bring attention to waste ? Does your work speak to community self-determination and the ways we can self-sustain ? Do you have a poem or writing that is about food you love-- a family recipe , survival meals , comfort foods ? We want work that addresses factory farming , diet culture , food waste , food deserts , community gardens , kitchens , and food sharing . We would love to hear from you ! Also we love comedy , so if you have something tongue in cheek around these topics , please get in touch !
We accept : Writing : poetry , personal essays , fictional stories .
Visual Art : photography , illustration , typography , or any art that can be conveyed 2 dimensionally ( example : a photo of a sculpture )
We welcome people of all diverse experiences , abilities and communities to submit their work . Your voice is important , and we would like to support it . The more voices we hear , the more we can learn from one another .
Submission Guidelines 1 . Please title your email submissions using the following : CCC Submission - Issue ___ - [ Your name as it should appear in the issue if accepted ] - Title of Submission 2 . If submitting a collection of works , please submit all in one email with the name of the collection as the title . 3 . Art submissions : Please send images that are exported for screen in any of these formats PNG , JPG , SVG , PDF , or TIF . 4 . Longform written submissions : the maximum word count for submissions is 1000 words . Please submit as a word document or using Google Docs . 5 . Please include your website and / or social media handles in the body of your message as well if you would like us to include it with your submission . Please send all submissions to TheCalmCoolCollectiveLA @ gmail . com Note that gmail only allows up to 25mb for attachments , please send images that are exported for screen in any of these formats PNG , JPG , SVG , PDF , or TIF