deserted; therefore, there was no village in which to buy food. They were hungry. Finally they found a
woman who sold them a cucumber; Jerry ate half and gave half to Walt.
As they trekked on, Jerry grew faint. He asked the guide, “Kusing i stap long we?” (Is Kusing far?). The
guide answered, “Em i long we liklik.” (It’s a fairly long way.) After a while, Jerry began to struggle more
on the rough path and so he again asked the guide, “Kusing i stap we?” (Where is Kusing?) The guide
answered, “Em i no long we tumas.” (It’s not very far). By then Jerry was becoming very weak as they
had had no food since their light breakfast and they had found no one to sell them any. Again, Jerry
asked the guide if they were near Kusing. The reply came back, “Em i klostu liklik.” (It’s pretty close). All
this time Walt was taking the hike in stride. Being a long distance runner, he found the hike enjoyable
and not too difficult.
Finally the guide exclaimed, “Em ya!” (There it is!). There before them was a beautiful sight: Kusing
village just ahead! Somehow Jerry managed to draw on his final reserves now that their destination was
in sight. Walt finished the hike with energy to spare. God had built into Walt a ruggedness that had
prepared him for such a life.
Tifalmin village life. (Photo Courtesy Of Norman Steinkraus)
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