Called By My Name Called By My Name | Page 37

The Okbilibip village where the Steinkraus family decided to locate in the Tifalmin language area was located near the Ilam River. It was about a mile away, on the opposite side of the river from a forested limestone cliff. The village was also where the Baptist Mission was commencing work and where in 1959 they had built an airstrip at the edge of the village. However, the area was still largely undeveloped when the Steinkrauses were finally able to move there in February 1961. Tribal fighting, cannibalism and local unrest with the white men moving into the area was still ongoing and so the movement for Walt and Vonnie in the language area was limited. The government allowed them to travel only as far as a mile away from the Baptist airstrip. (Photo Courtesy of SIL PNG Archives) 35 | P a g e