Chapter 5
A Dream Becomes Reality
While Walt and Vonnie first wanted to do Bible translation work with the Oksapmin people, that area
was still restricted by the government due to tribal unrest. Fighting in 1953 in the Telefolmin area that
had resulted in the death of two Australian Kiaps and two local New Guinean police men kept the area
closed for several years. So, they chose instead to go to Tifalmin, believing God was directing their steps.
The Tifalmin village where the Steinkraus family lived and worked. Their home is at the far left near the garden and metal roofed
small building. (Photo Courtesy of Bruce Hooley)
The Tifalmin area is a part of the valley of the Ilam River, which included a minor tributary of the Sepik
River with that name, located in the Telefomin Sub-district. It is located near the Sepik and Fly Rivers and
is part of the watershed formed by the Star Mountains and the Hindenburg Range, which rises over
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